Halloween is drawing near and we have a whole week-end to celebrate with Halloween being on a Sunday this year. There will be lots of time for Halloween parties for both adult and kids. To keep the party flowing smoothly, you need to have a plan all worked out ahead of time as to how it's going to go, such as a time of arrival for guests, when and what to eat, when and what kind of games to play, when to put on the Halloween music and dance and so on.
For kids, you can keep the games simple like having a "pumpkin hunt" in the back yard if weather permits or having a Halloween scavenger hunt in your neighborhood. You may want to contact your neighbors and let them know to see if they mind and to make sure that they can fulfill the needs of the hunters.
You'll find all kinds of interesting games for kids and adults at HalloweenGames101 and more at Halloween-Online.com. By using some of the ideas here, it will give you more time to plan the rest of the party since you'll find print out for Halloween word finds and cross word puzzles at the first link and more good ideas at the second one!
It's September 1st and that doesn't leave much time to get it all together before Halloween week-end. Time goes by way too fast so start planning now!